tea » tea times: December 28, 1999 email: teaseattle  


T i m e s

December 28, 1999

Focus Committees

In accordance with the Bylaws, the newly elected Board is announcing the formation of focus groups to work on key issues of the organization. TEA members are encouraged to participate on any committee where they have an interest. To learn more about these committees, please attend the lunchtime general meeting Tuesday, January 4, at the Elliott Bay Bookstore Café, or talk to your TEA Tree representative.

The committees and lead organizer:
  • Policy and Long Range Planning - Eric Davison
  • Political Action - Bill Serres
  • Communication - Roger Scrafford
  • Bylaws - Roger Browne
  • Financial Planning - Ken Madden
  • Transit - Christine Sankwich
  • Collective Bargaining Contract -

The TEA website

TEA now has its own home on the internet! In these early stages, the site contains --

  • Current and back issues of TEA Times.
  • A TEA Q&A, with answers to important questions about TEA
    and the representation process.
  • TEA History for August 1995 through June 1997

Point your browser to http://www.teaseattle.org/ for more information.

Like most web sites, TEA's will be under constant development. The next additions will be history pages for 1998 and 1999, the Bylaws under which TEA operates, a guestbook where you can leave comments, and a calendar of coming events.

Transit Rally in Olympia

A public intrest group called the Transportation Choices Coalition is sponsoring a rally in Olympia on January 10 at noon to lobby the legislature on the first day of the legislative session. Anyone concerned about the effects of I-695 cuts is urged to attend. TEA would like to sponsor a group to participate; contact a TEA Board member or a TEA representative if you are interested in joining this group.

TEA's key objectives for the year 2000

  1. Gaining King County recognition!
  2. Revising and updating the TEA Bylaws
  3. Implementing the internal TEA representation tree


Have A Happy New Year!

  email: teaseattle