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  tea » archives » October 2, 2017 email:  


  1. Annual Election results
  2. Determining the results
  3. October Board Meeting Change
  4. Next Monthly Meeting

1. Annual Election results

On September 20, 2017, TEA held its annual meeting and election of four board members. The open seats were for Treasurer, Chair of Representatives, Transit Bargaining Chair, and Wastewater Bargaining Chair. Each term is for two years. The results are as follows:

Council of Representatives Chair:  Ken Madden

Ken Madden  74 votes
Jennifer Ash  50 votes

Treasurer:  Sally Turner

Sally Turner  87 votes
Rylan Knuttgen  37 votes

Transit Bargaining Chair: Gerald (Jerry) Williams (unopposed)

Wastewater Bargaining Chair: Roger Browne (unopposed)

Congratulations to the successful candidates!

The TEA Board sincerely thanks those who ran for office and helped with the annual meeting and election efforts. A special thanks to our ballot validating and counting team members Linda Azar, Francene McCormick, Carol Pennie, and Amir Moazzami. We run on volunteers!

2. Determining the results

Ballots were accepted prior to the annual meeting and for the first half hour of the annual meeting. At the conclusion of the meeting, volunteer members met in a separate conference room to validate and count the ballots. The ballot signatures, names, and envelopes were verified by the volunteers, using a list of members in good standing that was provided by Treasurer Elizabeth Wright.

The volunteers applied the following guidelines for counting:

The ballot box contained two unsigned ballots. One was signed after the seal had been taped.  Since it was signed across the tape and matched the printed name, the team agreed it should be considered valid. There were no duplicate ballots. Only one ballot count was required because the totals of the counters were the same.

The results of this vote and the counted ballots will be retained for one month by the TEA Secretary, as specified in the bylaws.

3. October Board Meeting Change

The October Board meeting has been rescheduled from October 6 to October 11, in conference room 4-C, for the regularly scheduled time of noon to 1PM.

4. Next Monthly Meeting

The next monthly meeting will be October 11th, 4th Floor, conference room 4-C, noon - 1PM. Please contact Gillian if you have a specific agenda item you’d like to add.

TEA Board

Alton Gaskill, President
Michael Sands, Vice President
Gillian Zacharias, Secretary
Sally Turner, Treasurer
Roger Browne, Wastewater Bargaining Chair
Jerry Williams, Transit Bargaining Chair
Ken Madden, Council of Representatives Chair