tea » tea times: October 19, 2000 email: teaseattle  

TEA Times

Voluntary Recognition

The Labor Relations Manager at OHRM, Sam Pailca, has recently met with Judy Riley and Don Theiler. At that time Sam requested current org charts for Transit D&C and the Wastewater Treatment Division. The County and TEA will use these charts to define the new bargaining unit(s).

Authorization cards from TEA members now exceed 80 percent! Anyone who has not signed a card can still do so; please return all authorization cards to Severne Johnson, TEA Secretary, by October 25, 2000. All signature cards will be submitted to King County by the end of October.

Bargaining Committee

You can help shape TEA's first contract. Submit a Letter of Interest by October 30th if you are interested in serving on the Bargaining Committee. In accordance with TEA Bylaws, the Bargaining Committee is made up of 5 members -- two board members, and three members at large. Please submit your letter of interest to Roger Scrafford, Second Vice President and Chair of the Bargaining Committee, by the end of the month.

Representatives Council

TEA Bylaws require each work group to select a representative who will be responsible for voicing any and all concerns of the group to the Board at monthly meetings. Each work group can decide how to select a representative and whether there are co-representatives or alternates. Duties and responsibilities for the work group representatives are described fully in the Bylaws.


All members should familiarize themselves with the TEA Bylaws. Electronic and paper copies of the Bylaws are available from Roger Browne. (An earlier version of the Bylaws can be viewed on the TEA website at www.teaseattle.org/bylaws.pdf)

Annual Meeting

Preparations are underway for the 5th Annual Meeting / Celebration which will be held in November. Anyone interested in organizing the event should contact Ken Madden.